I’m passionate about using my writing skills to propel excellent causes to the next level of revenue and visibility.


Hey there, welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I’m so glad you’re here!

I started my business in 2019, after spending most of my adult life as a middle and high school teacher. I loved teaching teenagers (history and English, in case you’re wondering), but I’m very introverted – so I knew I couldn’t do it forever.

My desire to use my love and skill for writing while making the world a better place led me to copywriting.

I learned copywriting under the mentorship of a 7-figure medical copywriter, but I’ve chosen to put my skills to use where I feel the most alignment: the nonprofit sector.

In 2022, I decided to add grant writing to my services and completed a rigorous certification process through LearnGrantWriting.org

I believe nonprofits stand in the gap between government and business and are indispensable. 

And I know that if you can get really clear on your messaging and storytelling – whether on your website, in a fundraising appeal, or in a grant application – it will be the difference between staying where you’ve always been or moving into the next level of revenue and visibility.

What are you waiting for?